Signs You Need Professional Gas Line Repair in Phoenix
The smell of gas is the most obvious sign of a gas leak. Utility companies add a chemical to natural gas to give it a distinct sulfurous smell. If you notice this smell in your house, get in touch right away to discuss gas line replacement.
A gas leak may be a possibility if you hear a whistling or hissing sound close to your gas lines or appliances. This sound can be caused by gas escaping from a broken line or connection.
Your gas bill may have suddenly increased without any explanation, which may indicate a gas leak. Damaged gas lines might result in constant gas leaks and higher-than-normal gas consumption.
Physical symptoms, including headaches, nausea, dizziness, and irritation of the eyes and throat, can be brought on by exposure to natural gas. It may be the result of a gas leak if you or any members of your household suffer these symptoms, particularly when using gas appliances.
Any obvious damage, such as corrosion, cracks, or loose connections, indicates that your gas lines need to be repaired. Regularly checking exposed gas lines and connections for wear and tear is a good way to stay safe.
If any of the following issues appear, get in touch with us to arrange for gas line replacement or repair.
- Sounds like whistling or hissing
- Sulfurous odor
- Gas appliances not working well
- Gas line visibly damaged
- Unexpectedly high gas usage