A plumbing issue could result in increased water bills, a gas leak or other issues that can put your financial and physical safety at risk. It can also result in expensive damage to your home that will make it harder for you or others to live there comfortably. Fortunately, you can stay on top of home plumbing maintenance by enrolling in a membership plan.

You’ll Gain Access to Regular Inspections

There are a number of reasons why you might not have your plumbing system inspected every year. For instance, you might simply forget to make an appointment because you’re too busy to do so, or you might think that an inspection is too costly. You might also believe that there is no reason to have an inspection because you don’t notice any problems with your pipes or appliances.

With a service plan, someone will actually call you to schedule an appointment when the time comes to do so. You’ll also get a full report after an inspection is complete with notes about any concerns that your technician may have. Knowing about a potential problem as soon as possible increases the chances of fixing it before it becomes an emergency.

It may also give you a better idea as to whether you’re dealing with a one-time situation or a chronic issue. For instance, if the problem is caused by an old pipe, it stands to reason that you could experience more problems in the future. Therefore, you may decide to create a plan to either replace your pipes now or to strongly consider doing so soon.

You’ll Be Given Priority

Buying a service plan gives you priority over those who call for service only when they need it. Therefore, you can feel good knowing that someone will be around if a pipe bursts in the middle of a cold night or during a peak service time, and you need help right away.

You can also feel good knowing that you won’t have to pay extra for emergency service. Without a service plan, you might pay $99 or more just for the privilege of having someone come to your home to assess your situation. Of course, you’ll have to pay for labor and other costs on top of that to have your problem resolved properly.

Ultimately, having this peace of mind may make you more likely to call for help right away instead of waiting until it’s less expensive to do so. In addition to paying the same price whenever you call, getting help quickly can minimize the extent of the damage a burst pipe or other plumbing issue might cause to your home.

Other Discounts Might Be Available

You might be entitled to discounts on the cost of service regardless of whether you call during an emergency situation or at any other time. You might also be entitled to discounts on the price of pipes, drains or other materials that must be installed in your home.

Depending on your financial situation, this may allow you to completely replace an aging plumbing system component instead of making do with a repair. You might also be able to replace the system without having to charge the cost to a credit card or take out a personal loan.

Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed

A reputable plumbing company will always go out of its way to make sure that its customers are satisfied. However, when you’re paying a monthly membership fee, your contractor will go above and beyond to make sure that you are getting what you paid for.

You will likely find that it’s easier to get someone to listen to any concerns that you might have about a particular project. You’ll also find that it’s easier to get repairs done promptly for a second or subsequent time when you’re a dues-paying member.

Ultimately, you won’t have to worry about spending hours on the phone or playing several rounds of email tag with a customer service representative. Instead, you’ll get someone to come to your house quickly to do whatever you need done in a fast, courteous and professional manner.

Your Membership Can Stay With You or the House

Your membership may be transferrable to any other home that you move to in our service area. Conversely, it can be transferred to whoever buys your home in the future. This can be an attractive selling point, as a future buyer can secure their peace of mind for a reasonable fee.

If you decide to take your membership with you, it can help to put your mind at ease as well. This is because you’ll know who to turn to for affordable and dependable service during what could be a hectic and expensive time in your life.

You Won’t Be Tempted to Engage in DIY

It’s not uncommon for homeowners to feel as if they need to perform their own plumbing repairs or other home improvement activities. However, the truth is that you might cause more problems than you solve by doing the work yourself. For instance, you might use the wrong type of pipe or forget to turn the water off before attempting a repair. There is also the possibility that you will try to deal with dirty or contaminated water when you should be calling for help instead.

With a service plan, you will be more likely to simply call the people you’re paying to provide plumbing assistance. Even if you don’t have a service plan, this is typically the right decision, as a professional will have the tools and experience necessary to do the job properly the first time.

You’ll Only Deal With the Best

Another great reason to enroll in a membership program is that you’ll have a strong relationship with the people who work at your home. Over time, they will become familiar with the nuances of your house and how they might impact your plumbing needs. For instance, a technician might make a note that pipes can’t be accessed without cutting into drywall, or a drain is more problematic during the spring months.

In fact, you may be able to request that the same person service your home during each appointment. This can provide you with greater confidence that the job is being done by someone you know on a more personal level. Regardless of which technician comes to your home, that individual will treat it like their home and do whatever it takes to meet your needs in a timely manner.

At Bumble Bee Plumbing, our team can also help you with tankless water heater repair or assist you by fixing or installing a gas or electric tank water heater. Our team can also help you with the process of inspecting, cleaning and maintaining sewer or other types of drains in your house. We do leak detection, faucet installation and repair, repiping, and water treatment, too.

If you are in need of plumbing services in Phoenix, AZ, call us at Bumble Bee Plumbing today!

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