Many homes sit on a foundation that is made of concrete. Although durable and effective, these concrete slabs are located near your water lines. In some instances, these pipes might even be installed within the slab, making the two inseparable from one another.

You may be dealing with a slab leak if you’ve noticed water damage on your flooring, walls, or furniture. You’ll want to address this problem as quickly as possible to prevent it from worsening. Plus, mold and mildew are never far behind where leaks of any kind are present.

Before you can fix a slab leak, it can be helpful to know why this issue occurs in the first place. So, what causes a slab leak? Why might you be experiencing this worrisome issue inside your home? There are several potential causes of slab leaks, and we’ll go over some of the most common reasons below.

Cause #1: Poorly Installed Pipes

One of the most common causes of slab leaks is the improper installation of pipes inside a home. During the installation process, a plumber may have accidentally damaged the pipes. That could be a small dent or a significantly-sized bend.

As water flows through the water lines over time, it can weaken the areas of the pipe where the kinks or dents are present. In the end, the spots that were damaged can give way and lead to a gushing leak.

Cause #2: Corroded Pipes

Many older homes were built with galvanized or copper pipes. Although these materials were incredibly popular during their time, they are prone to corrosion and deterioration later in life. When these specific pipes get old and start to corrode, it can be what causes a slab leak to suddenly occur.

If you have an old home and have never replaced your pipes, there’s a chance that your pipe material could be to blame for the slab leak. However, it’s also possible that your pipes have sustained damage due to harsh chemical drain cleaners. Although they can be effective, many store-bought drain cleaners contain chemicals that eat through your pipes. When this kind of damage happens, it’s also possible that you’ll experience a slab leak.

Whatever the case, you shouldn’t hesitate to reach out to a professional contractor for a plumbing repair in Phoenix, AZ. The sooner you address the problem, the sooner you can return to enjoying a safe, leak-free home.

Cause #3: High Water Pressure

When discussing the top causes of slab leaks, we have to mention high water pressure. Although it can be incredibly frustrating to have low water pressure in your home — especially when taking a shower and trying to rinse the shampoo out of your hair — high water pressure can be just as concerning.

High water pressure can make your pipes crack, especially at the connections or areas where damage is already present. If you want to check your water pressure, you can purchase a water gauge. These devices are usually available at local home improvement stores.

Cause #4: Shifting Soil

Although you might think that soil shifting beneath your home’s foundation is nothing to worry about, you should be aware of the damage it can cause. When the soil shifts beneath your concrete slab foundation, it can put excessive pressure on your pipes and result in them cracking or becoming disconnected.

Since shifting soil can be what causes a slab leak, it’s also worth mentioning the toll that earthquakes can have on your home’s foundation. When the earth shifts during an earthquake, similar damage can happen to your pipes, leading to a sudden leak.

Cause #5: Water’s Acidity

When learning about the most common causes of slab leaks, you might be surprised to find out that acidic water can play a role in this problem occurring. If the water in your area is highly acidic, this can weaken and deteriorate your pipes over time, eventually leading to a leak. However, this isn’t the only water-related issue you should know about. If your water is too alkaline, or soft, it can also cause your pipes to weaken as time goes by.

Cause #6: Expanding Water Pipes

Hot water pipes expand as they heat up, which can lead to them rubbing against the concrete slabs above them. When this happens, the pipes can sustain significant damage and eventually crack. Of course, other surrounding debris can also add to this damage; this can include gravel and dirt, among other things.

Have a Slab Leak? Call Our Professional Plumbers!

There are many signs of a slab leak to look out for, including warped floorboards, low water pressure, higher water bills, and the sound of running water. In any case, leaking water of any kind is a major concern and should be addressed immediately to prevent additional and costly damage.

Now that you know what causes a slab leak, you can fix the problem once and for all. Bumble Bee Plumbing is proud to offer a wide range of plumbing services, including comprehensive repairs and leak detection services, to tackle whichever problems come your way. When we repair a slab leak, we always put customer satisfaction first.
Contact us today to learn more about our plumbing services in Scottsdale, AZ, and the surrounding area.

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